We want our children to become lifelong worshippers of Jesus!

Children learn to know and show the love of Jesus through our Faith Kidz Sunday morning worship and other enrichment programs. Our children's ministry covers birth-6th grade. 

Faith Kidz Sunday Mornings

We can't wait to have your children join us on Sunday mornings! 

Check In

We encourage everyone to start checking in their children 15 minutes prior to services. This helps our teachers get the kids settled, and will give you a little time to visit with friends (or meet some new friends!) in the lobby before going into Sunday worship. 

Sunday Morning Options

9:30 am - Check-in begins at 9:15 am 

  • Nursery in room 301--ages 0-4years
  • Pre-K to Kindergarten in the Community Room
  • 1st-3rd Grades in the Community Room
  • 4th-6th Grades may join in the Community Room or service with their parents

9:30 and 11:00 am - The nursery will be open and staffed for parents to check in their babies through age 2 for childcare.

11:00 am -Check-in begins at 10:45 am

  • Nursery in room 301--ages 0-4years
  • Pre-K to 3rd Grades in Community Room
  • 4th-6th Grades may join in the Community Room or service with their parents

Interested in Serving with Us?

If you would like to share your faith and help a child start their own faith journey, we would love to find a place for you in our Sunday morning rotation! Please contact Sarah Messner, Children’s Ministries Director, at  for more information.

Children Ministry Registration



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Child(ren) Information




By typing your name and the date below, you allow us to take your child(ren)'s picture through any and all of our programming opportunities. This waiver also pertains to group shots of children in any activities. No names will be listed on these photos and may be used on our website, in the local paper,  church bulletin boards and social media.

Radio Buttons*

Parent Information
I would like to sign up for occasional text alerts

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Please check the service that you regularly attend

We encourage parents to be involved in and experience Sunday School. Please consider volunteering in one of the Sunday School areas every 4-6 weeks.

I would like to be involved in serving outside of Sunday morning

*If you are a nursing mother, feel free to enter the nursery at any time & nurse behind the privacy curtain.
**9:30 Contemporary & 11:00 Traditional services are streamed live through the smart TV in the nursery

Questions? Contact Sarah Messner, Children's Ministry Leader: [email protected]

Upward is an evangelistic sports ministry for boys and girls that promotes salvation, character, and self-esteem in every child. Watch our highlight video to get a flavor of the fun and energy of Upward Basketball and Cheer!

Faith Community is excited to be part of the Upward Church partnership that offers basketball (ages K-9th grade) and cheerleading (ages K-4th grade). We look forward to sharing the love of God with Upward families as we host weekly cheer practices during the season, plus Saturday game days in January and February. Sign up at www.cincyupward.org.

Opportunities to Serve

Making Jesus Known through Upward 

The Upward Basketball and Cheer program allows us to welcome the community into our church, pray throughout the season, and talk about Jesus every chance we get!  

Faith Community is excited to be part of the Upward partnership again this year, and to be able to touch hundreds of kids and families each week in January and February as we host weekly cheer practices and basketball games. If you wish to take part in this exciting ministry, there are many ways to serve in our Saturday game-day operations. 

To see a list of serving opportunities and to sign up, please click here.

Questions? Contact Sarah Messner at  .  

Click Here for Parent Testimonies 

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an opportunity for children, ages 4 through those going into 6th grade, to learn about Jesus in a very fun and engaging environment. Each day at VBS, kids will travel through field-tested rotations that reinforce relevant Bible Points and immerse kids in new adventures.

VBS 2024

VBS 2024 went SWIMingly! Thank you to all of our donors and volunteers. We were able to host over 170 kids this year with your help! They enjoyed a FINtastic week diving into friendship with God!

Check back in January of 2025 for details about our next VBS--True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World


Faith Community VBS Video (Summer 2023)

Our acolyte ministry helps teach your 3rd - 6th grader to honor God as they bring the “Light of Christ” into our Traditional Worship services. Children are invited to serve as acolytes in the traditional services. For more information, please contact  

Faith Community's 3rd Grade Bible Ceremony is a special Sunday in the faith journey of our 3rd graders. On Sunday, TBD, our church gifts them with their very own children's Hands-On Bible to use in Sunday School and in their homes. Any child currently in 3rd grade is invited to receive a Bible, as well as any child in 4th - 6th grade who has never received a Bible. If interested, please contact Sarah Messner at

Click the link to complete the registration: https://forms.gle/mT2z9naiBRB8Gw8NA