Faith Community welcomes the opportunity to help you make plans for a meaningful and beautiful wedding service.
Wedding and Music Coordinators
Our wedding coordinators will help with preparations and details pertaining to the wedding service. The music coordinator will help select music for your church wedding to create an atmosphere of worship and joy for your special day.
Our clergy consider it a privilege to be asked to perform this important ceremony. Since we have multiple pastors, they handle weddings on a rotating basis. If you have a preference for a particular pastor, you may request that he or she be asked.
Wedding fees include the honoraria for the pastor, the organist/pianist, the wedding coordinator, sound technician
- Contact the church office to see if the church is available on the date you desire
- Confirm your date with the pastor assigned to officiate
- Ask for the wedding information packet from the church office
- Complete the request form included in the wedding information packet and return the form with your non-refundable reservation deposit
- Schedule an initial meeting with the pastor to get acquainted, review the wedding guidelines and share your ideas and dreams for your wedding day
- Work with wedding and music coordinator to help implement your ideas
- One month before your wedding, meet with the pastor for the second time to review all of the details of your wedding
Contact Information: Church office by phone (513) 777-9533 or